365 Replies to “League Fixtures Generator”

  1. Jason,

    as I understand it you have two divisions with 17 teams in each division. There are 10 tables which each is used by 2 teams, which means that 20 teams totally are involved in table-sharing, and each of the remaining 14 teams does not share its table with any other team. Have I understood you correctly this far? If so, let’s call the divisions 1 and 2, shall we. How many teams in division 1 share table with an other division 1 team, and how many division 1 teams share table with a division 2 team? If you answer these questions, I can probably help you creating fixtures for your summer tournament.

  2. Jason,

    OK, your last message arrived while I was reading your first message and writing my reply. Guess you don’t need my help then.

  3. iam running a darts league with 24 players i need to do a league so they play each other can you help

  4. Ian,

    do the players play against each other once or twice during the season? Is home and away an issue?
    When I get the answer to these questions I can help you creating fixtures for your league.
    You can reach me at fixtures “at” runbox.no

  5. Hi Folks,

    I am not a php coder unfortunately so I was wondering if someone had a little time to help me out,

    I need to output the fixtures to a database table, the table has 2 fields and is a MySQL table.

    The fields are HomeTeam & AwayTeam (ok no points for originality here 🙂 ) and the table is called not suprisingly “Fixtures”

    I don’t need team names I just need the values in the table, of cause the fixtures will have to be home and away as in Tom’s code

    If any help if forthcoming I would be eternally greatful and of cause would give the author credit on my site.


    you can e-mail me at backupman(no spam)@hotmail.com {please remove the no spam to e-mail me} but I think there may be a few people that need this info so posting it on this thread would be helpful I think.

  6. Hi Folks,

    Just thinking out aloud here and there may well be problems with the idea so please bear with me….

    for those of you who have an uneven number of teams in your divisions e.g.

    Div 1 = 12 teams
    Div 2 = 14 teams
    Div 3 = 14 teams
    Div 4 = 12 teams

    or whatever your combination is.

    Why not just add say 2 byes to div 1 and 2 byes to div 4 thus giving you 14 teams in each division.

    The reasoning being you want all the divisions to start and finish at the same time for promotion and relegation issues to be clear and also a mathematical formula is often much more robust and easy to create if it is to be used on a constant rather than a variable.

    Doing it this way then opens up greater possibilities for ensuring multiple teams accross multiple divisions don’t all play at home on the same day when limited pitches/tables/courts etc is a factor as the maths behind the solution will be able to treat the problem as a combined whole division rather than seperate divisions

    I will code a solution to this and as such will probably answer the questions posed herein myself one way or the other but it does seem a reasonable hypothosis.


  7. Hi,
    I wonder if you could help me. I’ running a summer skittles league for the first time and have been trying to compile the fixures and i’m getting nowhere fast. There are 13 teams who play each other once at the same venue. The league needs to be spread over 8 weeks playing 4 nights a week and with no team playing more than one night a week.

    Looking forward to your response

    Many Thanks John

  8. To Johnny Hill.

    Interesting problem. In order to solve it, I need answers to these questions:

    1) How many games can one team play during one night? (With 8 weeks and only one night per week, a team will play exactly 1.5 games each night it plays (in average).

    2) How many games can be played in total on one single night? (The average is 2.44 games per night).

    3) Does each team has to play each week? (Or would it be possible that a team plays for instance 3 games one week, two games the next, and then has a week off?)

    4) Is it necessary that each week shall have 4 nights of games? (Or is it OK that some weeks for instance have only 3 nights of games?)

    If you can give me the answers to these questions, I will have a go at it. (But no promise of a successfull outcome!)

  9. Hi,

    Slight change of plan there are now 14 teams. In answer to your questions.

    1. The minimum is 1 game the max is 3 games each team can play per night.
    2. The maximum number of games is 3.
    3. Yes every team needs to play each week.
    4. Yes one week could have 4 nights and one week could have 3 nights.

    We could play the season out over 9 or 10 weeks is necessary. What i would like to arrange is if a team plays 2 or 3 games in 1 week it is done on the same night. Also if say for instance there were 6 games left going into the last week that would not be a problem.

    Many Thanks John.

  10. OK, I think I can help you. I am a little pressed for time right now. (I’m a math teacher and my students have their final exams in two days, and they keep mailing me asking for help with diverse math exercises. And right now my students must be my number one priority.) But I think I will have a solution (hopefully) in a day or two.

  11. Many Thanks for your time. There are now 15 teams in the competition we had a couple of late entry’s.

    Best Regards John.

  12. I have just solved the problem for 14 teams. The tournament runs over 10 weeks, with 10 matches each week, except week 10 (which has only 1 match). However, I think I can add one more team without too much rethinking….
    I’ll be back….

  13. Johnny,

    I hope this will solve your fixture problem. The 15 teams are called A, B, C, …., O.
    I have not checked it for misprints/errors. I’ll have to leave that to you.

    WEEK 01	DAY 1	A v E	B v F	A v F
    WEEK 01	DAY 2	G v M	H v N	G v N
    WEEK 01	DAY 3	K v I 	L v J	K v J
    WEEK 01	DAY 4	O v C	O v D	C v D
    WEEK 02	DAY 1	C v G	D v H	C v H
    WEEK 02	DAY 2	M v K	N v L	M v L
    WEEK 02	DAY 3	I v A	J v B	I v B
    WEEK 02	DAY 4	E v O	E v F	
    WEEK 03	DAY 1	A v M	B v N	A v N
    WEEK 03	DAY 2	E v I	F v J	E v I
    WEEK 03	DAY 3	K v C	L v D	K v D
    WEEK 03	DAY 4	G v H	O v H	
    WEEK 04	DAY 1	C v A	D v B	C v B
    WEEK 04	DAY 2	G v K	H v L	G v L
    WEEK 04	DAY 3	I v O	J v O	I v J
    WEEK 04	DAY 4	M v E	N v F	M v F
    WEEK 05	DAY 1	A v G	B v H	A v H
    WEEK 05	DAY 2	E v C	F v D	E v D
    WEEK 05	DAY 3	I v M	J v N	I v N
    WEEK 05	DAY 4	O v K	O v L	K v L
    WEEK 06	DAY 1	C v I	D v J	C v J
    WEEK 06	DAY 2	G v E	H v F	G v F
    WEEK 06	DAY 3	K v A	L v B	K v B
    WEEK 06	DAY 4	M v O	M v N	
    WEEK 07	DAY 1	A v O	B v O	A v B
    WEEK 07	DAY 2	E v K	F v L	E v L
    WEEK 07	DAY 3	I v G	J v H	I v H
    WEEK 07	DAY 4	M v C	N v D	M v D
    WEEK 08	DAY 1	B v E	H v M	L v I
    WEEK 08	DAY 2	D v G	J v A	N v K
    WEEK 08	DAY 3	F v C	F v O	
    WEEK 09	DAY 1	B v M	F v I	L v C
    WEEK 09	DAY 2	D v A	H v K	N v E
    WEEK 09	DAY 3	J v G	O v G	
    WEEK 10	DAY 1	B v G	J v M	D v I
    WEEK 10	DAY 2	H v E	L v A	F v K
    WEEK 10	DAY 3	N v C	N v O	
  14. Ooooooooooops!! Misprint in the table above. In week 3, day 2, one of the “E v I” shall read “E v J” . There could be more misprints too. 🙁

  15. I have a fixtures generator based on berger patterns written in MS Access, and am very interested in your program.
    Fixtures are required for approx 50 teams, in divisions that have 4,6 8 or 10 teams ( based on age/skill etc).
    15 rounds in a season, split into 3 groups, with regrading at end of first and second group.
    Teams are from 5 clubs, with games at 5 different venues. So home and away is important.
    In a standard fixture for division of 6 team, some teams have 3 home games, others have 2, based on assigned number, 1 to 6, being odd or even.
    Some divisions have multiple teams from one club, and may have none from another.
    Problem is that across the 12 divisions and the 5 rounds in a group, distribution of home games is not equitable. In first round, mostly OK, e.g. club with 12 teams has 6 home games, but by round 4 this team has 9 home games, and round 5 has 4 home games. Other clubs have similar spikes.
    Your playing pattern is different to mine, so wondering if my set of “standard fixtures” is flawed. I will use yours to re-run my fixtures to see if the spikes are eliminated.
    Any thoughts on way to get a more even distribution of home games across the 5 rounds ?

  16. I have one league of 14 and one of 12. There are 9 teams who share venues across the two league. Is there any way to accommodate this?

  17. Dear Sir,

    I need help. I need a fixture for a seven team competition, that has 5 rounds per season — with each team having one bye per season. The fixture is to be a rotating fixture where each team plays each other over a 14 year period.

    Your help in this regard would be very much appreciated.


  18. I have 17 teams in my league an 2 of them 17 share a venue so can’t be at home the same time

  19. @Verso – this is allowed for in the original program. You just have to make sure that your two teams that share a venue are either 1 & 10, 2 & 11, 3 & 12, 4 & 13, 5 & 14, 6 & 15, 7 & 16, or 8 & 17. All of those pairs never play at home together at the same time.

  20. Hi there, I am running a skittle league in which there are 11 teams all using the same alley, they are able to play on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday but only 2 teams a night so basically they all play once a fortnight with one team having a bye. We start on 13th September until it finishes, I can’t seem to find a generator that doesn’t arrange all teams to play each time there is a fixture. Please can you help? x

  21. Testing the system.
    Here’s a fixture plan for a 6-team league:











  22. The site was “hacked” (by an automated script) and something about my restore has gone screwy. It’s on my list to restore them … soon!

  23. Hello great program well written, can it be tweeked a tad please or is the final version ever? as for the home run in you have to read it from bottom up to match the first half

  24. Hey Alan. If you just repeat instead of mirroring the fixtures you get more home-games-in-a-row, I think, which is the reason for the mirroring.

  25. Alan,
    if you click on my username you’ll be taken to an online folder where I store lots of fixture plans. In my fixture plans there is no such mirroring, except that the first round in the second half is the mirror of the last round in the first half of the season. I also have a few special fixture plans without any mirroring whatsoever. I all my fixture plans the altrnating home-away-home-away pattern has very few breaks, and the first two league rounds contain one home and one away match for each team, as do the last two rounds. The teams are called A1, A2, B1, B2, and so on. A1 is never at home in the same league round as A2, B1 is never at home in the same round as B2, and so on.

  26. Hi, I am running a golf tournament, 20 players over 5 rounds and i could do with some help on a format whereby no-one plays with the same person more than once can anyone help


  27. I have a league of 27 clubs with 54 teams in divisions of
    1 12
    2 12
    3 10
    4 10
    5 10
    the 27 clubs have to play home and away in opposition to the 2nd teams having difficulty calculation fixtures


  28. Geoff,
    if you click on my name you’ll be taken to my online bin. Here you’ll find several fixture plans. Maybe the “10 and 12 teams” plan might help you. In this plan the teams are called A1, A2, B1, B2, and so on. A1 is never at home in the same league round as A2, and B1 is never at home together with B2, and so on. This is the case both within the same division and across divisions.

  29. Just seeing if anyone can help me, I need to organise a 12 team fixtures list to play each other once only, once a week. with all teams playing at the same time??

  30. Hi Fixturesman,

    You very kindly helped me out this time last year and oncemore we are stuck. I am continuing to push for an even number of teams across the divisions as I will then be able to produce the fixtures in next to no time!

    However, if you could have a look for a solution to the below problem it would be much appreciated!

    Five divisions, two of twelve teams, three of ten. Each club has two teams (labelled 1 & 2 for each letter) who must play home and away on each week.

    Teams in divisions as follows.






    Any help most gratefully received!


  31. Sorry, to add, obviously there are four weeks when only the top two divisions play which I think helped in the solving of the problem last time.


  32. HD,
    I think this will take care of the problem. As last year you should check it carefully and make sure that
    1) each team plays each of the other teams in the same division twice, once at home and once away, and
    2) The No 1 & No 2 teams from the same club are never at home in the same league round.
    There are so many letters and the numbers 1 and 2 to keep track of, so misprints (among other things) may occure.
    Here’s my fixture plan for the two 12-team divisions:

    ROUND 01 C1 B1 A1 F1
    ROUND 01 I1 L1 H1 U1
    ROUND 01 N1 Z1 K1 P1
    ROUND 01 O1 $1 R1 Q2
    ROUND 01 Q1 D1 T1 E1
    ROUND 01 V1 G1 W1 M1

    ROUND 02 $1 V1 E1 W1
    ROUND 02 B1 I1 F1 K1
    ROUND 02 D1 N1 M1 H1
    ROUND 02 G1 O1 P1 R1
    ROUND 02 L1 C1 Q2 A1
    ROUND 02 Z1 Q1 U1 T1

    ROUND 03 C1 D1 A1 U1
    ROUND 03 I1 Z1 H1 F1
    ROUND 03 N1 $1 K1 E1
    ROUND 03 O1 B1 R1 M1
    ROUND 03 Q1 G1 T1 P1
    ROUND 03 V1 L1 W1 Q2

    ROUND 04 $1 I1 E1 A1
    ROUND 04 B1 N1 F1 W1
    ROUND 04 D1 O1 M1 K1
    ROUND 04 G1 C1 P1 H1
    ROUND 04 L1 Q1 Q2 T1
    ROUND 04 Z1 V1 U1 R1

    ROUND 05 C1 $1 A1 P1
    ROUND 05 I1 G1 H1 E1
    ROUND 05 N1 L1 K1 Q2
    ROUND 05 O1 Z1 R1 F1
    ROUND 05 Q1 B1 T1 M1
    ROUND 05 V1 D1 W1 U1

    ROUND 06 B1 V1 E1 R1
    ROUND 06 $1 Q1 F1 T1
    ROUND 06 D1 I1 M1 A1
    ROUND 06 G1 N1 P1 W1
    ROUND 06 L1 O1 Q2 H1
    ROUND 06 Z1 C1 U1 K1

    ROUND 07 $1 B1 E1 M1
    ROUND 07 D1 L1 F1 P1
    ROUND 07 G1 Z1 K1 R1
    ROUND 07 O1 C1 T1 A1
    ROUND 07 Q1 I1 U1 Q2
    ROUND 07 V1 N1 W1 H1

    ROUND 08 B1 G1 A1 K1
    ROUND 08 C1 V1 H1 T1
    ROUND 08 I1 O1 M1 U1
    ROUND 08 L1 $1 P1 E1
    ROUND 08 N1 Q1 Q2 F1
    ROUND 08 Z1 D1 R1 W1

    ROUND 09 D1 $1 E1 U1
    ROUND 09 G1 L1 F1 M1
    ROUND 09 N1 C1 K1 H1
    ROUND 09 Q1 O1 P1 Q2
    ROUND 09 V1 I1 R1 A1
    ROUND 09 Z1 B1 W1 T1

    ROUND 10 $1 G1 A1 W1
    ROUND 10 B1 D1 H1 R1
    ROUND 10 C1 Q1 M1 P1
    ROUND 10 I1 N1 Q2 E1
    ROUND 10 L1 Z1 T1 K1
    ROUND 10 O1 V1 U1 F1

    ROUND 11 B1 L1 A1 H1
    ROUND 11 C1 I1 F1 E1
    ROUND 11 G1 D1 K1 W1
    ROUND 11 N1 O1 P1 U1
    ROUND 11 V1 Q1 Q2 M1
    ROUND 11 Z1 $1 R1 T1

    ROUND 12 $1 Z1 E1 F1
    ROUND 12 D1 G1 H1 A1
    ROUND 12 I1 C1 M1 Q2
    ROUND 12 L1 B1 T1 R1
    ROUND 12 O1 N1 U1 P1
    ROUND 12 Q1 V1 W1 K1

    ROUND 13 B1 $1 A1 T1
    ROUND 13 C1 O1 H1 W1
    ROUND 13 I1 Q1 M1 E1
    ROUND 13 L1 D1 P1 F1
    ROUND 13 N1 V1 Q2 U1
    ROUND 13 Z1 G1 R1 K1

    ROUND 14 $1 L1 E1 P1
    ROUND 14 D1 Z1 F1 Q2
    ROUND 14 G1 B1 K1 A1
    ROUND 14 O1 I1 T1 H1
    ROUND 14 Q1 N1 U1 M1
    ROUND 14 V1 C1 W1 R1

    ROUND 15 $1 D1 A1 R1
    ROUND 15 B1 Z1 H1 K1
    ROUND 15 C1 N1 M1 F1
    ROUND 15 I1 V1 Q2 P1
    ROUND 15 L1 G1 T1 W1
    ROUND 15 O1 Q1 U1 E1

    ROUND 16 D1 B1 E1 Q2
    ROUND 16 G1 $1 F1 U1
    ROUND 16 N1 I1 K1 T1
    ROUND 16 Q1 C1 P1 M1
    ROUND 16 V1 O1 R1 H1
    ROUND 16 Z1 L1 W1 A1

    ROUND 17 C1 G1 A1 Q2
    ROUND 17 I1 $1 H1 M1
    ROUND 17 N1 B1 K1 F1
    ROUND 17 O1 D1 R1 P1
    ROUND 17 Q1 L1 T1 U1
    ROUND 17 V1 Z1 W1 E1

    ROUND 18 $1 N1 E1 T1
    ROUND 18 B1 O1 F1 A1
    ROUND 18 D1 C1 M1 W1
    ROUND 18 G1 Q1 P1 K1
    ROUND 18 L1 V1 Q2 R1
    ROUND 18 Z1 I1 U1 H1

    ROUND 19 V1 B1 A1 E1
    ROUND 19 C1 Z1 H1 P1
    ROUND 19 I1 D1 K1 M1
    ROUND 19 N1 G1 R1 U1
    ROUND 19 O1 L1 T1 Q2
    ROUND 19 Q1 $1 W1 F1

    ROUND 20 $1 O1 E1 H1
    ROUND 20 B1 C1 F1 R1
    ROUND 20 D1 Q1 M1 T1
    ROUND 20 G1 V1 P1 A1
    ROUND 20 L1 I1 Q2 K1
    ROUND 20 Z1 N1 U1 W1

    ROUND 21 V1 $1 A1 M1
    ROUND 21 C1 L1 H1 Q2
    ROUND 21 I1 B1 K1 U1
    ROUND 21 N1 D1 R1 E1
    ROUND 21 O1 G1 T1 F1
    ROUND 21 Q1 Z1 W1 P1

    ROUND 22 $1 C1 E1 K1
    ROUND 22 B1 Q1 F1 H1
    ROUND 22 D1 V1 M1 R1
    ROUND 22 G1 I1 P1 T1
    ROUND 22 L1 N1 Q2 W1
    ROUND 22 Z1 O1 U1 A1

    I have been working on the assumption that the 10-team divisions are to play in rounds 3-20, as they did last year. My fixture suggestion for divisions 2 and 3 is:

    ROUND 03 D2 N2 $2 W2
    ROUND 03 J1 O2 B2 Y2
    ROUND 03 P2 C2 F2 V2
    ROUND 03 X1 I2 L2 R2
    ROUND 03 Y1 K2 Z2 S1

    ROUND 04 C2 J1 R2 $2
    ROUND 04 I2 Y1 S1 L2
    ROUND 04 K2 D2 V2 Z2
    ROUND 04 N2 P2 W2 B2
    ROUND 04 O2 X1 Y2 F2

    ROUND 05 D2 O2 Z2 R2
    ROUND 05 J1 K2 $2 Y2
    ROUND 05 P2 I2 B2 V2
    ROUND 05 X1 N2 F2 S1
    ROUND 05 Y1 C2 L2 W2

    ROUND 06 C2 X1 W2 Z2
    ROUND 06 I2 D2 V2 $2
    ROUND 06 K2 P2 S1 B2
    ROUND 06 N2 J1 R2 F2
    ROUND 06 O2 Y1 Y2 L2

    ROUND 07 C2 K2 B2 F2
    ROUND 07 I2 O2 L2 $2
    ROUND 07 N2 Y1 R2 W2
    ROUND 07 P2 D2 Y2 S1
    ROUND 07 X1 J1 Z2 V2

    ROUND 08 D2 X1 $2 B2
    ROUND 08 J1 I2 F2 Z2
    ROUND 08 K2 N2 V2 R2
    ROUND 08 O2 C2 W2 Y2
    ROUND 08 Y1 P2 xx L2

    ROUND 09 C2 N2 $2 R2
    ROUND 09 I2 K2 B2 Z2
    ROUND 09 J1 D2 L2 F2
    ROUND 09 O2 P2 S1 W2
    ROUND 09 X1 Y1 Y2 V2

    ROUND 10 D2 C2 F2 $2
    ROUND 10 K2 O2 R2 Y2
    ROUND 10 N2 I2 V2 S1
    ROUND 10 P2 X1 W2 B2
    ROUND 10 Y1 J1 Z2 L2

    ROUND 11 D2 Y1 $2 Z2
    ROUND 11 I2 C2 L2 B2
    ROUND 11 J1 P2 S1 R2
    ROUND 11 O2 N2 W2 V2
    ROUND 11 X1 K2 Y2 F2

    ROUND 12 C2 I2 B2 L2
    ROUND 12 K2 X1 F2 Y2
    ROUND 12 N2 O2 R2 S1
    ROUND 12 P2 J1 V2 W2
    ROUND 12 Y1 D2 Z2 $2

    ROUND 13 D2 P2 $2 L2
    ROUND 13 J1 X1 F2 B2
    ROUND 13 K2 C2 S1 Y2
    ROUND 13 O2 I2 V2 Z2
    ROUND 13 Y1 N2 W2 R2

    ROUND 14 C2 O2 B2 $2
    ROUND 14 I2 J1 L2 S1
    ROUND 14 N2 K2 R2 V2
    ROUND 14 P2 Y1 Y2 W2
    ROUND 14 X1 D2 Z2 F2

    ROUND 15 Y1 X1 F2 L2
    ROUND 15 D2 J1 R2 $2
    ROUND 15 K2 I2 V2 Y2
    ROUND 15 N2 C2 W2 S1
    ROUND 15 P2 O2 Z2 B2

    ROUND 16 X1 P2 $2 F2
    ROUND 16 J1 Y1 B2 W2
    ROUND 16 C2 D2 L2 Z2
    ROUND 16 I2 N2 S1 V2
    ROUND 16 O2 K2 Y2 R2

    ROUND 17 D2 K2 $2 R2
    ROUND 17 J1 C2 B2 W2
    ROUND 17 P2 N2 F2 Y2
    ROUND 17 X1 O2 L2 S1
    ROUND 17 Y1 I2 Z2 V2

    ROUND 18 C2 Y1 R2 Z2
    ROUND 18 I2 P2 S1 F2
    ROUND 18 K2 J1 V2 B2
    ROUND 18 N2 X1 W2 L2
    ROUND 18 O2 D2 Y2 $2

    ROUND 19 D2 I2 Z2 W2
    ROUND 19 J1 N2 $2 V2
    ROUND 19 P2 K2 B2 S1
    ROUND 19 X1 C2 F2 R2
    ROUND 19 Y1 O2 L2 Y2

    ROUND 20 C2 P2 R2 L2
    ROUND 20 I2 X1 S1 Z2
    ROUND 20 K2 Y1 V2 F2
    ROUND 20 N2 D2 W2 $2
    ROUND 20 O2 J1 Y2 B2

    and finally, I suggest this fixture plan for division 4:

    ROUND 03 E2 X2
    ROUND 03 G2 H2
    ROUND 03 M2 T2
    ROUND 03 S2 J2
    ROUND 03 U2 A2

    ROUND 04 A2 G2
    ROUND 04 H2 S2
    ROUND 04 J2 M2
    ROUND 04 T2 E2
    ROUND 04 X2 U2

    ROUND 05 E2 J2
    ROUND 05 G2 X2
    ROUND 05 M2 H2
    ROUND 05 S2 A2
    ROUND 05 U2 T2

    ROUND 06 A2 E2
    ROUND 06 H2 U2
    ROUND 06 J2 G2
    ROUND 06 T2 S2
    ROUND 06 X2 M2

    ROUND 07 A2 X2
    ROUND 07 H2 T2
    ROUND 07 J2 G2
    ROUND 07 M2 U2
    ROUND 07 S2 E2

    ROUND 08 E2 M2
    ROUND 08 G2 S2
    ROUND 08 T2 A2
    ROUND 08 U2 H2
    ROUND 08 X2 J2

    ROUND 09 A2 J2
    ROUND 09 H2 X2
    ROUND 09 M2 G2
    ROUND 09 T2 S2
    ROUND 09 U2 E2

    ROUND 10 E2 A2
    ROUND 10 G2 U2
    ROUND 10 J2 H2
    ROUND 10 S2 M2
    ROUND 10 X2 T2

    ROUND 11 E2 G2
    ROUND 11 H2 A2
    ROUND 11 M2 X2
    ROUND 11 T2 J2
    ROUND 11 U2 S2

    ROUND 12 A2 H2
    ROUND 12 G2 E2
    ROUND 12 J2 T2
    ROUND 12 S2 U2
    ROUND 12 X2 M2

    ROUND 13 E2 S2
    ROUND 13 G2 J2
    ROUND 13 T2 H2
    ROUND 13 U2 M2
    ROUND 13 X2 A2

    ROUND 14 A2 T2
    ROUND 14 H2 U2
    ROUND 14 J2 X2
    ROUND 14 M2 E2
    ROUND 14 S2 G2

    ROUND 15 E2 U2
    ROUND 15 G2 M2
    ROUND 15 J2 A2
    ROUND 15 S2 T2
    ROUND 15 X2 H2

    ROUND 16 A2 E2
    ROUND 16 H2 J2
    ROUND 16 M2 S2
    ROUND 16 T2 X2
    ROUND 16 U2 G2

    ROUND 17 E2 A2
    ROUND 17 G2 J2
    ROUND 17 M2 X2
    ROUND 17 S2 T2
    ROUND 17 U2 H2

    ROUND 18 A2 U2
    ROUND 18 H2 G2
    ROUND 18 J2 S2
    ROUND 18 T2 M2
    ROUND 18 X2 E2

    ROUND 19 E2 T2
    ROUND 19 G2 A2
    ROUND 19 M2 J2
    ROUND 19 S2 H2
    ROUND 19 U2 X2

    ROUND 20 A2 S2
    ROUND 20 H2 M2
    ROUND 20 J2 E2
    ROUND 20 T2 U2
    ROUND 20 X2 G2

    I hope this will do the trick.

  33. we are starting a darts league with 8 teams. Can you please send us a format for a fixture list. It will be very much appreciated.

  34. Paul Cassar,

    if you click on my username you’ll be taken to an online storage bin, where there are lots of fixture plans. One of these is called “8 teams”, and that could help you. The teams are called A1,A2, B1, B2, and so on. Teams with the same letter (for instance A1 and A2) are neighbour teams, which are never at home in the same league round, if that’s relevant for you.

  35. hi, could you possibly help as im going mad with trying to do it myself and various websites who produce a fixture list for you but is no good to me as i have 9 players to play each other in just an 8 week slot for an end of season pool league squad tournament. ive worked out that over 8 weeks this makes 9 matches a night therefore should mean that each player gets to play 2 matches each on the night but all i get myself trying to work it out myself is doubling a fixture lol or websites spread it over 16 weeks which sadly doesnt help. can you, starts this sunday and i thought it would prove easy to work out but clearly not!

  36. hi again, this is to be home and away hence where ive got the 2 matches per person per night over an 8 week period. im not even bothered if its the same on weeks 5,6,7,8 if its just the reverse of 1,2,3,4. thanks again

  37. Pompeymatt,
    your problem is a very difficult one. Having 9 matches per round (week) with each person playing two matches per week (and each person playing each of the other players twice) is a piece of cake. But getting a sensible distribution of home and away matches (with home and away alternating as much as possible for each person) is very difficult. I have just compiled these fixtures. The home/away distribution is extremely poor. Maybe you could wriggle it (by switching rounds and switching home and away) so that it becomes sufferable?
    Here are my fixture list anyhow (with the persons called A, B, C, …, I.

    ROUND 01 A versus C
    ROUND 01 D versus I
    ROUND 01 F versus G
    ROUND 01 H versus E
    ROUND 01 B versus C
    ROUND 01 D versus A
    ROUND 01 F versus H
    ROUND 01 G versus B
    ROUND 01 I versus E

    ROUND 02 B versus H
    ROUND 02 D versus F
    ROUND 02 E versus D
    ROUND 02 G versus C
    ROUND 02 I versus A
    ROUND 02 A versus G
    ROUND 02 C versus E
    ROUND 02 F versus B
    ROUND 02 H versus I

    ROUND 03 B versus D
    ROUND 03 C versus F
    ROUND 03 E versus A
    ROUND 03 G versus H
    ROUND 03 I versus F
    ROUND 03 A versus B
    ROUND 03 C versus I
    ROUND 03 E versus G
    ROUND 03 H versus D

    ROUND 04 A versus H
    ROUND 04 C versus H
    ROUND 04 E versus F
    ROUND 04 G versus D
    ROUND 04 I versus B
    ROUND 04 A versus F
    ROUND 04 C versus D
    ROUND 04 E versus B
    ROUND 04 G versus I

    ROUND 05 B versus G
    ROUND 05 D versus E
    ROUND 05 F versus C
    ROUND 05 H versus A
    ROUND 05 I versus G
    ROUND 05 A versus D
    ROUND 05 C versus B
    ROUND 05 E versus I
    ROUND 05 H versus F

    ROUND 06 B versus A
    ROUND 06 D versus H
    ROUND 06 F versus A
    ROUND 06 G versus E
    ROUND 06 I versus C
    ROUND 06 B versus I
    ROUND 06 D versus G
    ROUND 06 F versus E
    ROUND 06 H versus C

    ROUND 07 B versus F
    ROUND 07 D versus C
    ROUND 07 E versus C
    ROUND 07 G versus A
    ROUND 07 I versus H
    ROUND 07 A versus E
    ROUND 07 D versus B
    ROUND 07 F versus I
    ROUND 07 H versus G

    ROUND 08 B versus E
    ROUND 08 C versus A
    ROUND 08 E versus H
    ROUND 08 G versus F
    ROUND 08 I versus D
    ROUND 08 A versus I
    ROUND 08 C versus G
    ROUND 08 F versus D
    ROUND 08 H versus B

  38. thanks so much fixtureman,

    i’m sure il need help next season!!
    i will take all the credit on sunday though lol!


  39. I need help!!
    I need to make a fixture list for a dart league im doing.
    I have 20 players and 4 venues for the games to be played at.
    Now here is what i cant find online…
    The players will play each other once during the season.
    However this is where it becomes difficult.
    As the League will only run for 10 weeks the players will have to play 2 games a night once a week.
    So i was thinking of sending 5 players to each of the venues every tuesday.
    they will play 2 games every week and the last week omly one game.
    All the fixture generators online can only handle 1 game per week
    i need someone out there who knows how to sort out what i would like to have?

  40. Alan,
    your problem is a little too complex for me. However, if you could alter the premises slightly and arrange the fixtures along these lines:

    1) 19 matches each Tuesday.

    2) No player with more than 2 matches on one single Tuesday.

    3) No player appearing on different venues on a single Tuesday.

    4) Each Tuesday there are 7 matches on one venue, and 4 matches on each of the other 3 venues. (Each venue is allocated 2 or 3 7-match Tuesdays throughout the 10-week season.)

    then it should be a piece of cake.

    As an alternative one could have 4 matches on all 4 venues each Tuesday, and 3 matches on a different day of the week, like say Wednesday. This could be done so that neach player has 2 Wednesdays and 8 Tuesday of playing, and no player having to appear on different weekdays during the same week.

    If any of these suggestions are acceptable, then I should easily be able to work out some fixtures for you.

  41. Dear Fixtureman, Could you please help with a grid for 16 teams playing each other at home and away. |Many thanks in anticipation.

  42. Walter,
    if I understand you correctly you want fixtures for a 16-team league where each team plays against each of the other teams twice, once at home and once away. If so, just click on my name and you’ll be directed to an online storage bin with allkinds of fixture plans. There are several fixture plans for a 16-team league. You can download whatever you want as a word document or as an excell document.
    In my fixture plans the teams are called A1, A2, B1, B2,and so on. Teams with the same capital letter are neighbour teams, which means that they are never at home in the same league round.

  43. Hello there
    I have 14 teams, there are seven clubs each with 2 teams in the league. Each of these pairs of teams share a venue. I would like the pairs of teams to play each other on the 13th match and the 26th match.

    Is this possible? And if so can it be done without having lots of consecutive home or aways.
    Any thoughts appreciated

  44. Yes, it’s possible. I’ll be back with a fixture plan later today, I hope.

  45. John, sorry, I spoke too soon. Since the number of pairs is an odd number it’s rather difficult, and I don’t know how to handle it. If the number of pairs had been an even number it would have been a piece of cake. But I’ll think about it during this weekend and see if it’s possible to solve it with a tolerable distribution of home and away games.

  46. Hi fixtureman.

    I have a darts league with 14 teams, we have to play each other only once either home or away. In order to balance it out team 1 would be the best and team 14 the weakest, in order to further balance it team 1 should play team 2 away going forward team 1 would play team 3 at home, 4 away, 5 home and so on. If possible it would be good if the league could build to a climax so all the best teams played each other towards the end of the season, so on the last round of fixtures it would be 2v1, 4v3, 6v5, 8v7, 10v9, 12v11 and 14v13 with the games getting progressively harder for the top teams the further the league goes on.

    Many thanks in anticipation,


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