Blogs in Action

Attended the Blogs in Action seminar organized by Six Apart and sponsored by Nokia Lifeblog. Highlight was most definitely John Dale talking about the very ambitious and very successful project to make blogs available to all Warwick University staff and students at Warwick blogs.

Perhaps the very best thing about the Warwick blogs was the “slice n dice” aspect. You can elect to get feeds of people on your course, people in your hall of residence, people with the same interests as you, individuals you pick. You can publish to everyone in the world, everyone at Warwick, a group of three people. They seemed to have thought of so many useful options. Plus all the design work seemed to be very user-focused. I really wish that this had been available to me as an undergraduate or (especially) now as a part-time postgraduate (where actual physical attendance is sporadic).

Tom Coates spoke about his blogging experiences. Another in the line of those who have been doing it fairly intensely for about five years and have gone through the cycle of loving it, feeling their privacy invaded, getting bored, and so on. I’m sure there’s a cycle that is repeated across bloggers that is just as predictable as the shock, denial, anger, depression, acceptance cycle of the grieving process. I liked it when he called Dave Winer the “Arch Demon of Webloggery”. His core point was that a weblog is a representation of a person (almost like a suit you wear) and that anything that went away from that (group blogs, blogs about one topic only) would have to have something (like money) to propel them along or they would only be short-lived.

Neil McIntosh of Guardian Unlimited talked about how the Guardian’s blogging was started on expenses on a credit card because of the difficulty of getting it through IT. Their blogs are closely watched for offensive and libellous comments but the default response is hands off. He explained how blogging enabled the newspaper to get valuable feedback and sometimes correct mistakes before they went to print. He went some way towards refuting his own quote, “mainstream media trying to do blogs is like watching a vicar disco dance”. What he didn’t do was explain how the Guardian could make money off blogging. He sees the work as experimentation in a new form of journalism rather than having a responsibility to produce revenue or even promote the Guardian brand.

Dominique Busso, CEO of VNUNet Europe talked about their “corporate blogs” — approximately one for each print magazine that VNU produce. He quoted Dan Gilmore: “my readers know more” and said that the blogs for the print journals stopped the print journalists having web envy of their online colleagues as they had done during the bubble.

Charlie Schick from Nokia Lifeblog tried to convince us that blogging from your phone is a good complement to blogging from your computer. He’s never seen my phone, then. One interesting point he made is that with cameras in phones geting better and going up to VGA quality and beyond, posting from your mobile is prohibitively slow and that 3G won’t fix this because it is still slow upstream, just fast(er) downstream.

Far more complete notes were made on this event by Suw Charman.

Mind Hacks at Foyles

Tom Stafford and Matt Webb were at Foyles on Charing Cross Road (London) on Wednesday night to publicize their book Mind Hacks (O’Reilly). They stepped through a few practical examples of the stuff from the book — why faded jeans make your legs look good; how eyes and the brain adapt to light and noise levels; why putting a pen in your mouth and pushing it back for three minutes makes you feel good — fairly successfully and made some jokes about leopards.

The Data Area Passed to the System Call is Too Small

I got the error, “the data area passed to the system call is too small” posting to this site. The problem was using HTTP GET for very long strings. Using HTTP POST with the exact same text works fine. Posting from Mozilla 1.0 to IIS 5. Absolutely nothing on the web explaining the error and only three references in Google so I thought I’d post my “answer”. More information on the differences between GET and POST.

Eclipse Site Lacks Spark

Eclipse just won the Jolt 2005 award in the “Languages and Development Environments” category.

But doesn’t mention it. The first link on the site in the main body is to a ‘white paper’ in PDF format last updated in 2003. The site uses frames. The FAQ was last updated in 2002. There are no screen shots linked anywhere off the home page despite the fact that there are 96 links in the main frame.

Compare and contrast basecamp which for all its qualities surely has less to shout about than Eclipse.

What am I missing here?

URI Usability

URI Thoughts

Ever since I read Matthew Thomas’ outline of an ultimate weblogging system I’ve been thinking about URIs.

It is useful to be able to visit or and be redirected to the appropriate section in the BBC site (currently in the case of football).

Even more useful is the new URI scheme in place at ebay., and all do what you would expect them to (take you to “my ebay”, search current auctions for iPods and search completed auctions for microwaves) both saving time and increasing clarity and usability.

The question then is, what is the best URI scheme?

Of course, this depends on the site. One thing that I think is undisputed across sites is that URLs should not include extensions that give away technology choices. There is no advantage to the URL:


and the former makes migrating away from ASP (even to ASP.NET) more problematic than it needs to be.

Another no-brainer is that URIs should be short. Short URIs are easier to remember and URIs over 78 characters long will wrap in some emails.

Jakob Nielsen (in
URL as UI) found that mixed case and non-alphanumerics confused users. So let’s ditch those too. That means that a query string (?x=1&y=8394) makes a URI harder to read and less usable. Links with query strings (or sometimes only complex query strings) are also ignored by some search engines. There is a good discussion of this in Toward’s Next Generation URLs.

Without producing a static version of a site every time you make a change (which may actually be a workable solution in some cases) you can use URI rewriting to let your users have usable URIs but give the webserver the query string it needs to serve up the right content. This can be done with ISAPI Rewrite on IIS (Lite version is free, if not Free) and mod_rewrite on Apache.

With URI rewriting it does not matter what URI the underlying technology needs you just need to decide on the appropriate scheme and write clever enough regular expressions to implement it.

It would be possible to run a site where every URI is of the form:

but that fails the user in that it provides no information about the page and prevents user from using urls to navigate the site. It seems that some “directory structure” is required (although it may not reflect the actual directory structure of the site) and then a name for the page of content should be appended to that.

Cool URIs don’t change suggests dates as an effective
structure and suggests that categories are too changeable over time to work.

An Example

The posts on this site currently have URIs in this format:

There we have underscores, a question mark and an ampersand plus the URI tells you very little about what you might expect if you clicked on it. Ripe for improvement. Here are the possible schemes I have considered:


Very short but not too informative.


Not so short and still fairly oblique.


I like this but the longer titles make the URIs overlong.


Even with the date structure removed some posts titles are too long to be included in the URI. And what to do about posts with the same title?


Truncated to 20 characters is OK but you can imagine some horrorshow URI caused by truncating at exactly the wrong point and the content is not so clear. The issue of posts with the same title is even more relevant here.


This is the scheme I am planning on implementing. The need to cope with duplicates in any scheme that uses strings and not integer ids means that some work will have to be done (by the server) upon posting that is not being done now. Given that I am going to have to write some code anyway, why not just add an extra field when posting (which could be autopopulated with a default of the title with all spaces and punctuation removed) that is called “link” or similar and appears after /posts/ as above. Of course duplicates will have to be checked for and either reported to the user or otherwise dealt with here, too.

What do you think? Help me out before I make irreversible decisons by commenting below.

AWStats on IIS 5 with Old Log Files

I wanted to use awstats to analyse my IIS 5 W3C format log files. I got the program up and running with aid of these instructions as well as conning it that the port (always 80) was actually the bytes sent parameter (for some reason it won’t run without that info being in the log file). And I could only get it to parse the last log file.

I looked at the instructions about how to parse old log files but this involved issuing a command at the commandline for each file. I have logs that go back to 2001. So in the end I wrote this perl script to issue all the necessary commands:

#! c:/perl/perl.exe

sub main {
    my $dir = "C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC1";
    for (my $year = 01; $year < = 02; $year++) {
        for (my $month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) {
            for (my $date = 1; $date <= 31; $date++) {
                my $file = $dir . "/" . get_filename($year, $month, $date);
                if (-e $file) {
                    my $cmd = "f:/inetpub/wwwroot/awstats/cgi-bin"
                        . "/ -LogFile=""
                        . $file . "" -update";
                    print "$cmd
                } else {
                    print $file . " does not exist

sub get_filename {
    local($year, $month, $date) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
    my $filename = "ex" . pad($year) . pad($month) . pad($date) . ".log";
    return $filename;

sub pad {
    my $num = pop;
    if ($num < 10) {
        $num = "0" . $num;
    return $num;


I had to stop it running in the middle when I hit the date that I added referer to the log file format, alter the conf file manually and then start it running again. But I got there in the end.

What the world needs is a nice, clean API for log files that comes with parsers that intrinsically understand all the various standard formats. That is, I want to be able to just point the program at any Apache, IIS or other standard log files and have it chomp them all up and let me programatically get at the data in any way I like (perhaps stick it all in a SQL database?) Crucially, the program should be able to "discover" the format of the log files by looking at the headers and there should be no configuration (unless you have really weird log files).

Then people can write beautiful graphical reports for this API and everyone can use them regardless of the format that the original logfiles were in. Surely someone has thought of this before? I've put it on my todo list.

Turkish Press Pictures on Google News

Have you noticed that more than 50% of the photographs on come from

I think it is simply because of their alt tags. For example:

South Korea’s Deputy Foreign Minister Soon Min-Soon arrives in Beijing. US and South Korean envoys held talks with China aimed at coaxing North Korea back into six-party nuclear talks as the CIA said the Stalinist regime could re-start long-range missile testing.

The algorithm google uses to decide on the pictures obviously considers the alt text superior to the page text in determing the subject matter of an image. Long alt tags lead to more appearances in Google News. I wonder if they did it on purpose?

Humane Text Formats

I write in plain text a lot. I want to put stuff on the web a lot.
Oftentimes it’s the stuff I already wrote in plain text. I wondered if I could learn some conventions that would convert to XHTML for no extra work after I’d written the plain text. In fact, I am writing this article now in Ultraedit and later it will go on in HTML. And as I wrote ultraedit I wanted to put a link in for that very reason but wasn’t sure whether to or not because it then makes this file html and I’d need to go back and put in <p> tags and so on. Let’s just say that I think learning one of these formats would be A Good Idea™.

For those wondering why I don’t write in HTML all the time check out these good reasons.

This seems to have been the rationale behind Markdown. There are also numerous other text formats like Textile and Almost Free Text
with similar or identical motivations. I don’t want to learn them all, so which one to pick? I couldn’t find a good comparison or even much of a list of alternatives via Google. Answer: have a face off.

The Test

I decided to use the text of this very article.
(Originally I decided I was going to use a BBC news story too but I’d learnt enough about the formats by the time I’d been through them all once!)

Some things I definitely want the winner to be able to do are:

  • Unordered lists
  • Like this one


# Code examples like this.
print "This is essential!"

The quality of tools available is also a big plus. For this to reap rewards I
must be able to go effortlessly from text to XHTML and (strongly preferred) back

The Results

Almost Free Text

An enviable set of outputs: HTML, LaTeX, lout, DocBook and RTF. You have to tell it explicitly to use other than 8 spaces for tabstops, or use tabs. My text editor is set to use spaces for tabs because they travel better (email, etc.) and it is set to 4 spaces. No titles on links. Does table of contents.
No line breaks allowed in link elements is a problem. Adds a whole load of
extra formatting by default – makes whole documents instead of snippets. HTML 4.0 Transitional. Doesn’t seem to be any way to make snippets or XHTML.

See Almost Free Text Test Results


A format that comes from Daring Fireball. Default formatting of the Instiki( Wiki. Choked on converting trademark symbol from the HTML character entity reference to Mardown and cannot do tables but otherwise superb and plain text looks right too – not marked up just “natural”.

Tools include html2text, a
Python script that converts a page of HTML into valid Markdown. There is also a PHP implementation. RedCloth
(Ruby) has limited support for Markdown.

See Markdown Test Results


The format of Python doc strings. Only a “very rough prototype” for converting HTML to reStructuredText (written in OCaml). Links are clunkier than in Markdown or Textile. Cannot set title attributes on links. Nice autonumbering footnotes. No simple way to avoid turning processed text into a full document. I would ideally like to process snippets for cutting and pasting into existing documents or standard headers and footers.

See reStructuredText Test Results


Originally created for Textpattern. There is a Movable Type plugin. An alternate to the default Markdown in Instiki. Does class, id, style, language attributes and lots of character entity replacement (em dash, curly quotes, that kind of thing). Only a rudimentary HTML=>Textile converter available. Very obviously meant to be turned into HTML (look at the headings h1, h2, etc.) and not so good as just a way of formatting plain text.

I had trouble making html => text tool work – no trademark and strict xml parsing just exited with error “Junk after document element at line 12” despite passing W3C validator test for XHTML 1.0 Strict.

Code doesn’t work. Breaks where it finds CR (can’t have 80 col source and XHTML must use word wrap).

RedCloth (Ruby) supports Textile.

See Textile Test Results


RDoc – Originally created to produce documentation from Ruby source files. Offered as an alternative markup option by Instiki. Outputs XML, HTML, CHM (Compiled HTML) and RI (whatever that is). Commandline tool. Now part of core Ruby which ensures continued support but perhaps only as a documentation tool not in the more general sense that I want to use it.

StructuredText – Allows
embedded HTML and DHTML. Used by Zope and
the related ZWiki. Rather horribly uses
indentation rather than explicit heading markers. Supports tables. No way to
go from HTML to Structured Text. Somewhat similar to reStructured Text.

Other formats I didn’t have time to consider in depth or which I discounted for certain reasons: WikiWikiWeb formatting (no tools only as part of WikiWikiWeb), DocBook (for whole books not snippets), atx (can’t find enough info – seems to have been superseded by Markdown), RDTool (didn’t like =begin/=end and lesser than RDoc from the same community), YAML (aimed mainly at configuration files), MoinMoin formatting (no tools to use it separate from the Wiki it comes from), SeText (superseded by StructuredText and ReStructuredText), POD (Plain Old Documentation – the Perl documentation format).


Textile and Markdown were the only formats I investigated that were truly practical for snippets not full documents. Textile had better support for more HTML features at the expense of looking more like HTML and less like plain text in the first place. Since I can write HTML any time I want anyway and because it has the better tools, Markdown is my provisional “winner”. If anyone wants
to correct any errors above (in the comments section) I’m willing to revise my opinion. (Quick! Before I get wed to this syntax and can’t change!)

Feature Comparison Table

Plain Text Formats Feature Comparison Table
Format To HTML Tool From HTML Tool Tables? Link Titles? class Attribute? id Attribute? Output formats License
Almost Free Text Yes No No No No No HTML, LaTeX, lout, DocBook and RTF Clarified Artistic License
Markdown Yes Yes No Yes No No XHTML BSD-style
reStructuredText Yes Sort of Yes No Yes Auto Latex, XML, PseduoXML, HTML Python
Textile Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes XHTML Textile License

Medical Imaging Lecture

The first Hounsfield Memorial Lecture was given Thursday 10
February 2005 at 17.30 by Professor Robert S. Balaban, Scientific Director,
National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute National Institutes of Health, USA.

I attended following the course on Computer Vision I did at Imperial last

“Imaging: An Interface between Physiology and Medicine”
covered imaging techniques allowing noninvasive viewing of internal organs and
processes. Particular attention was paid to X-Rays from infrared, CT, MRI CT-
PET tumour detection, and CT-MRI. One practical illustration
was a trial run in a local hospital in the US where they used these imaging
techniques to detect whether those with chest pains in the ER have a real heart
problem or not. This is a big improvment on the current system of sitting
patients in a room and monitoring them until something goes really wrong.

Dr. Balaban also talked about image-guided robotic surgery.
MRI as the eyes of robotic surgery with a surgeon not in the room. With these
techniques the surgeon can not only see what is happening on the surface but
also in the internal organs underneath where he is operating.

Motion is the big problem for these realtime views of the insides of living
creatures – Dr. Balaban illustrated showing us a great band of movement that
ruined his pictures of cells in a muscle, then revealing that the muscle was in
the leg and the movement came just from respiration.

CSS Zen Garden Design

I’ve completed a first draft of a potential CSS Zen Garden design.

I’m not a designer by nature and I’m quite happy with it. What I need is some constructive criticism though. Does it not work in your browser? Do you think it is just crap pseudopr0n? Do I need a different image on my listitems? Let me know in the comments section …