Updated from a few years ago: http://bluebones.net/2015/12/things-i-absolutely-must-do-on-a-new-mac/
- Upgrade to latest OSX.
- Restore home directory from Backblaze. (Or at least dotfiles, .ssh dir, .vim dir, bin directory, ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 4/*, pwd.dsv.gpg, business, travel)
- Dock: remove everything, hiding on, magnification on.
- Sublime Text 3 (and add license key, set “trim_trailing_white_space_on_save”: true in sublime prefs).
- Solarized theme for Sublime Text 3 (after installing Package Control).
- subl commandline sublime.$ ln -s “/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl” ~/bin/subl
- Sublime git ignorer (to have ST3 respect .gitignore in searches, etc.) via Package Control.
- Hide Desktop icons.
$ defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false
$ killall Finder
- Alfred (and give it Accessibility access, add license key).
- Solarized theme for Terminal.
- “Use Option as Meta Key” in Terminal to make left Alt work as Esc.
- Use Ctrl-f7 or the Keyboard, Shortcuts in System Preferences to give Full Keyboard Access so that tab takes you to every button in a dialog, etc.
- Discord.
- Homebrew. (Installs OSX commandline tools.)
- Change all .txt to open with Sublime Text.
- Show hidden files in Finder. Cmd-Shift-.
- WhatsApp.
- 1Password.
- Wine + MTGO: https://github.com/pauleve/docker-mtgo/wiki/macOS:-installing-MTGO-using-Wine
- Chrome. (Log in to Chrome to get uBlock Origin and other extensions.)
- Skitch.
- mysql/mariadb (via homebrew).
- rtm-cli (via homebrew).
- Backblaze.
+ Install FiraCode and add it to Sublime Text 3 Settings.
– Wine+MTGO
+ Parallels Desktop + MTGO
-rtm-cli (via homebrew).
+rtm-cli (via npm).
+Disable Ask Siri in System Preferences, Siri
+Remove Ask Siri from touchbar in System Preferences, Keyboard, Customize Touch Bar…
+Turn on “tap to click” in System Preferences, Trackpad.
+ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18482976/tell-sublime-text-to-ignore-everything-in-gitignore/25565420#25565420
+ Add { “keys”: [“super+shift+i”], “command”: “exclude_ignored”} to sublime keybindings
Disable long-press (it’s wayyyyy too annoying when selecting text in Chrome): defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
Zoom, Skype, PyCharm, GoLand