July 2019,
July 2022
- Upgrade to latest OSX.
- Restore u directory from Backblaze backup. Restore dotfiles, .ssh dir, .vim dir, maybe other dot directories from Backblaze backup. Restore ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 4/*.
- Alfred (and give it Accessibility access, add license key).
- Set new hostname with:
# Respectively, fully-qualified hostname, Bonjour hostname, the user-friendly computer name you see in Finder, flush the DNS cache … $ sudo scutil --set HostName $ sudo scutil --set LocalHostName agrajag $ sudo scutil --set ComputerName agrajag $ dscacheutil -flushcache
- Dock: remove everything, hiding on, magnification on.
- Sublime Text 4 (add license key, set
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true
in sublime prefs, install Package Control, install Solarized Theme). - subl commandline sublime.
$ ln -s "/Applications/Sublime" ~/u/bin/subl
- sublime-git-ignorer: (1) add Package Control repo (2)
add package sublime-text-gitignore (3) use menu item : File->Exclude Git-ignored (4) Give this a keyboard shortcut in Sublime, Preferences, Key Bindings with{ "keys": ["super+shift+i"], "command": "exclude_ignored" }
- Keyboard shortcut to toggle word wrap in Sublime Text. Preferences, Key Bindings
{ "keys": ["super+shift+w"], "command": "toggle_setting", "args": { "setting": "word_wrap" } }
- Install FiraCode and add it to Sublime Text prefs with
"font_face": "Fira Code"
. - Hide Desktop icons
$ defaults write CreateDesktop false
$ killall Finder
- Solarized theme for Terminal and make default in preferences.
- “Use Option as Meta Key” in Terminal to make left Alt work as Esc.
- Terminal, Settings, Advanced, un-check “Audible bell” and “Only when sound is muted”
- System Preferences, Sound, turn “Alert volume” all the way down
- Use Ctrl-f7 to enable keyboard navigation of dialogs
- Homebrew. (Installs OSX commandline tools.)
brew install mariadb
brew install npm
brew install apache2
. Docker Desktop (below) uses port 8080 so edit/opt/homebrew/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
to use port 8081 and remember that you did it.brew install php
. Enable in Apache with LoadModule, FilesMatch and DirectoryIndex directives as per homebrew output andbrew services restart apache2
.brew install gh
brew install composer
- Docker Desktop.
- Discord.
- Change all .txt to open with Sublime Text.
- Show hidden files in Finder. Cmd-Shift-.
- WhatsApp.
- 1Password.
- Chrome. (Log in to Chrome to get uBlock Origin and other extensions.)
- Skitch.
- Backblaze.
- Parallels Desktop + MTGO
npm install -g rtm-cli
- Disable Ask Siri in System Preferences, Siri
- Turn on “tap to click” in System Preferences, Trackpad.
- Disable long-press (it’s wayyyyy too annoying when selecting text in Chrome):
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- Zoom.
- Skype.
- IntelliJ IDEs for languages that you’re currently using from the list below. Install Solarized theme and switch to Fira Code as editor font for each.
- PyCharm.
- GoLand.
- WebStorm.
- PHPStorm.
- Spotify.
- Slack.
git clone
important repos (ff, pd, server)- Restore any local databases for dev (ff, decksite, logsite)
ln -s ~/ff/src/www /opt/homebrew/var/www/ff
- pd setup
In the IntelliJ IDEs: Advanced Settings, Find/Replace, Keep Last Selected Scope Open. To stop PyCharm and others changing what files Find in Files works on based on where your cursor is and instead just shows you project scope every time (unless you choose something else).
Maybes: Cursor, Zed, Nord theme.
atuin, bat, delta, cursor, Polar theme (opposite of Nord for when ssh’ed to remote)
filter_mode_shell_up_key_binding = “filter_mode” in ~/.config/atuin/config.toml